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Washington DC and maryland boudoir photography

“My 10 year anniversary was fast approaching. I wanted to do something special and memorable.  Over the years, we have focused on experiences instead of gifts, but this was different–10 years is a milestone. Late last year my girlfriend, Kim, scheduled a session with Veronica. Her pictures were amazing and beautiful and when she told me […]

Client Experience, Maryland Boudoir Photographer

Kelli’s Anniversary Boudoir Experience

Client Experience, Maryland Boudoir Photographer

With each session, I’m reminded why I do this.  I learn something new about myself and about other women and our struggles with self-image. Instead of looking at society for a “standard”, I encourage each of my clients to look to themselves.  Be a your own muse, look at these photos after your session, remind […]

Annapolis Boudoir, Best boudoir photographer

An Interview w/ Valerie

Anne Arundel County Maryland Boudoir, Sexy Beach PhotoShoot

This past winter seemed to last forever.  Spring also ushered in low temperatures and cloudy days but as the weather began to warm up, I knew I wanted to get outdoors and create something beautiful and alluring.  The idea for a sexy beach photoshoot struck me and I knew I had to make it happen […]

Client Experience, Maryland Boudoir Photographer

Sexy Beach Photoshoot | Edgewater, Maryland

Client Experience, Outfit Ideas

Once you’ve booked your session, the next item on your list of things to do is to start gathering boudoir outfit ideas.  Most clients tell me they have no clue what they’ll wear for their session but I always advise: Check your wardrobe first.  There are so many creative ways to bring an outfit together […]

Best DC Boudoir Photographer, Maryland Boudoir Studio, Annapolis, LeDroit Park DC

Boudoir Outfit Ideas

Howard county maryland boudoir photographer

Every once in a while, you come across a woman that knows exactly what she wants.  You can sense certainty in her and it’s translated into quiet confidence.  That’s what my first impression of Michelle was.  When she arrived, she expressed to us she had pre-shoot jitters which is completely normal but something in the […]

Client Experience, Maryland Boudoir Photographer

Michelle’s Experience | Washington DC Boudoir Studio

Client Experience, Maryland Boudoir Photographer

I’ve known Shanell for quite a few years and I’ve known her to be a young woman going after what she wants.  I’ve always wanted to work with her so when she contacted me to book her session, I was super excited to get her into the studio as I knew we’d make something beautiful […]

Bethesda Maryland Boudoir Studio

Shanell’s Experience | Washington DC Boudoir Studio

Crofon annaoplis davidsonville maryland boudoir studio

Rachel came into the studio on session day nervous as ever.  As we talked, we learned that she was getting her photo taken as a present for her to-be-husband.  Her wedding was just weeks away and she was excited to do something totally unexpected for him.  Needless to say she rocked her shoot and I’m […]

Client Experience, Maryland Boudoir Photographer

Annapolis Bridal Boudoir Photographer

Client Experience

“After seeing a few of my friends boudoir photos I knew I needed to take some photos for myself. After looking into different photographers I grew more and more anxious at the thought of doing a boudoir shoot because I am a little on the curvy side and not a lot of people show off […]

Curvy boudoir session, boudoir for curvy girls, maryland boudoir

Jai’s Experience | Washington DC Boudoir

maryland and washington dc boudoir studio

When my clients are ready to book their sessions, one of the questions I’m asked the most is “Do I have to share my photos online?”  The answer is an absolute no.  Booking a boudoir session does not obligate you to share them online or in any other fashion.  These beautiful images can be kept […]

Client Experience

Anonymous Boudoir | Maryland Photography Studio

Client Experience, Maryland Boudoir Photographer

Thinking about having a bridal boudoir session for yourself?  Why wait?   Ready to for the ultimate boudoir experience? Click here to get more information.

best boudoir photographer Washington dc, maryland

Kent Island Bridal Boudoir Photographer

Best Maryland Washington DC Boudoir

Meet Mariana. She’s a gorgeous, talented makeup artist located in the Annapolis area and I’d been following her on Instagram for quite a while before we actually got a chance to meet.  Through her IG, I watched her talent grow and her passionate, activist spirit had shown through even more.  And as a Anastasia Beverly […]

Client Experience, Maryland Boudoir Photographer

Mariana’s Exprience | Annapolis Boudoir Photographer